Below are the benefits of each membership level:
• The only INDEPENDENT GLOBAL bitless equestrian association representing bitless bridles for equine lovers/owners
• Providing you with an international network of *Endorsed equine professionals who subscribe to the views that in all our interactions with equines we should adhere to the principles of LIMA (Least Invasive Minimally Aversive methods of training and tack used) and are pro bridle choice or pro bitless supporters
• Campaigning on all equestrian’s behalf to normalise the use of bitless bridles in all equine disciplines
• An organization that stands up for what you believe in with ongoing advocacy initiatives and backs it all up with the latest scientific research and peer-reviewed studies
• Membership to a prestigious recognized membership affiliation with international reach throughout North America, Europe, Australia and Asia
• Discounted World Bitless Association and Why Not Bitless merchandise
• A Quarterly FREE online copy of our magazine
• Exclusive membership training forums and social media chat rooms
• Networking opportunities with fellow members
• Public relations and news releases
• Worldwide calendar of endorsed professionals holding demo/clinics/ training
• Worldwide calendar of Bitless bridle competitions and events
• Supporting activities and lobbying to challenge equine welfare laws and regulations